Archivi tag: Vice ministro

Incontro con il Vice Ministro Huang Hai a Beijing – Cina

Italian trade delegation in China Italian trade delegation in China meet, in Benijing, his Excellency the Vice Minister of Economy of Popular Republic of China Mr. Huang Hai. The Italian group was driven by president Massimo Donda.

Pubblicato in Cina, Huang Hai Vice-ministro Cina Incontro | Contrassegnato , , | Commenti disabilitati

Incontro con il Vice Ministro Huang Hai a Beijing – Cina

Massimo Donda in China again. Massimo Donda on 09/11/2005 met in Beijing his Excellency the Vice Minister of Commerce Huang Hai. Following the Vice Minister met also Mr. Raphael Calvo President of CEC and President of the Federation of Spanish … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Cina, Huang Hai Vice-ministro Cina Incontro, Premi Ricevuti | Contrassegnato , , | Commenti disabilitati

Incontro Vice Ministro Fu Ziying a Beijing – Cina

Massimo Donda President of Federcalzature Italian Shoe Trade Confederation and President of CEDDEC European Confederation of the Shoe Trade Associations visited the fair Shoe China 01-06/07/2005 in Benijing.   During his stay he met his Excellency the ViceMinister of Commerce … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Cina, Fu Ziying Viceministro Cina Incontro | Contrassegnato , , | Commenti disabilitati